Proposal: Why should we support the utilization of the tracking app?

Gloves and masks for COVID-19丨Photo by Matryx丨Link:
My intention of writing the news commentary is to indicate the new measurement’s benefit and why we should support the tracking app for #COVID-19.
Government new measurement
WhatApps feature of tracking

       The news value of Tracking App: social significance and disagreement

I will write my attitude towards the latest launch of the #coronavirus tracking app, which is alongside with the new feature in WhatsApp. In my commentary, I will argue why the tracking app has more benefits compared with the negative effects and how can it positively affect each of the Australian residents. The great news value of the topic is because it is the hotline topic under #Covid-19, also it is the latest policy from Scott Morrison Government.

Politicization Publicly express the disagreement towards the app


Australian show a different attitude to the new measurement, which makes the tracking app become a conversation that worth argue or discuss as it raise concern in privacy. As a controversial topic, the commentary will collect disagreement and use research to discuss the conflicts and encourage residents to use the app.

“Tracking app to stop the spread of Covid 19: Is it ok?”- ABC.NEWS


       Publication and Target Group   

News.Com.Au is the top choice of the publication for my commentary as it is a multiple news platform to voice different perspectives and it is easy to read. The readability of the news on the website will improve and attract more audiences to continue reading or sharing the article, in which the spreadability will be increased. Also, the publication has set various news section, it will be more accurate to capture the audience.
Targeting a large group reader will attribute to reach audiences, improving the spreadability of the news commentary. Thus, I will choose to target News.Com.Au users, who will arouse their emotions and be inspired to support the new measurement of preventing the next outbreak. More specifically, I will write in a blog news commentary style to encourage the discussion as it is a controversial topic, to build a conversation with the target group who may support or disagree with the tracking app.


  • Image Gallary
  • News commentary
  • Interview video
  • Hyperlinks

      Structure : argument 

1. Because it makes everyone become trackable and it is an effective ‘after’ measures so that we can live
2. Broadly use the tracking app can help Australia society recover quickly and it will benefit us in many aspects. The social distance and restriction have caused the economic loss for many of us, however, the launch of the app will stop another outbreak and we are less likely to go through what we have been through this month.
3. Although track app may leak some personal data, it is reliably governed by the government, which means it will only be used appropriately to track where we go.

The news commentary will discuss both side view of the tracking app, but I will argue why the measurement is beneficial for Australian residents with the research back-up and write from a journalist ankle.


In order to make my argument more persuasive to the target readers, I will also use the present data from the Chinese government who have used the tracking app to restrict the other outbreak of the COVID-19.

CNN news about how Chinese government use the track app

CNN news report of Chinese tracking app

Also, broadly collecting views towards the tracking app will be useful to construct the argument, in which social media platform is a direct way to find the first-hand information and some of the users will be invited to do an online interview.

different attitude


#Tracking app

#Breaking news

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