China offers global help in combating COVID-19

China Daily


The article was written by Xinhua and published on China Daily.



The title is concise. The title is a guide to help the audience choose news information. The concise title can help the readers quickly grasp information. Every word is a keyword.

The first picture is about a woman wearing the mask is walking past a shop in London which is not very related to the text and heading.

The other two pictures are not very relevant to the text and this news. At least, the first picture is under the background of the COVID-2019, but these two pictures above were photographed in 2019, the president Xi were visiting French and Egypt, which didn’t show how China help other countries.

The content of the article is relevant. It mentions that China is willing to provide medical materials to other countries and emphasizes the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind.



The interaction of articles is very poor. This news does not provide a corresponding window for readers to ask questions and comment. If the reader has a question, the only way to contact the website is through the contact us, which cannot provide the targeted feedback about this article.

1 Comment

  1. This is a good choice of news story, and the comments you make have identified some clear areas for improvement; in particular, the use of images that are neither recent nor relevant. The critique you have made regarding the lack of interactivity is also relevant, and your suggestion that the ability to leave comments and receive replies is useful constructive feedback.

    Some of the words in the headline are SEO-friendly (“China”, “COVID-19”), but not all of them are. SEO words are words that an internet user might use to search for this article online. The words “global”, and “help” are too generic and would not lead this article coming up in search results.

    Generally speaking, when you paste a URL into a story, make sure you set it to open in a new tab. The other thing that would have been good to include is a sub-heading for ‘Images’. However I am pleased to see that you have used subheads elsewhere in the story.

    You have provided relevant tags and assigned the story to the correct category. There is no featured image for this article – so please do remember to post one in future. You do this by scrolling to the bottom of the blog post where it says ‘Set Feature Image’. You would need to choose a generic image, as the images in your story are copyright.

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