Lebron James Backtracks on Fan Ban over COVID-19 … I’ll Listen to the Experts  

LeBron James has done a complete 180 just days after emphatically stating he would NEVER play an NBA game in a fan-less arena … now saying he’ll do what the league thinks is best.

News Link: https://www.tmz.com/2020/03/10/lebron-james-backtracks-refusal-play-empty-arenas-coronavirus/


There are no subheadings can separate the complicated content into different parts and make it easier to read. This prevents the users from jumping to the next news at the beginning of the reading because the design of this website is “colourful” enough to link to other news. Also, some advertisements on this page make readers resist or even shut down the website quickly.

(Screenshot: TMZ)



Most of the hyperlinks in this news are reasonable and can help readers get more relevant information from other news in TMZ. However, the hyperlink “Zach Lavine” here is a bit strange because it is the name of another player that only the target audience may know. In the end, readers may be reluctant to take the time to start another news.

(Screenshot: TMZ)


This news is selected from TMZ, which is an international digital born news site. It usually distributes some entertainment news of celebrities. The selected picture of Lebron appropriately reflects his mentality at that time which may cause greater controversy.

(Picture: TMZ)


Like I said before, this is a controversial incident. TMZ’s click-visible comments have some positive effects here because when you click on the comments, you will find that many of them are criticizing Lebron, even though he has already acknowledged his mistake. But this form of interaction does provide readers (some fans of him) with a space to think about whether to watch before reading the comment.

(Screenshot: TMZ)


1 Comment

  1. Your post uses the layout conventions of online writing (subheadings, short paragraphs, and images to break up text and provide context). You also use some of the naming conventions for the features and functions of online journalism, and you have assigned relevant keyword tags to the post (though why choose ‘hypertextuality’?) Images should have a caption, not just an attribution for the source of the screenshot or photo.
    Your story link should be embedded in text, not spelled out as a URL. It should also open in a new tab.
    This is a sports news story of sorts, I guess – do you think TMZ is a reliable news site?
    I agree the story you analyse is presented in a chaotic, hard to read interface – the entire site is like that. Provide examples of the subheadings and keywords the author could have used to organise the content, and other ways the story could be made easier to negotiate.
    Regarding the functionality of the links, do the “Watch” and “Hollywood Beatdown” links go where you expected? I had no idea where I’d end up, meaning this site is possibly for a fairly faithful audience of users who understand the site well.

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