Scott Morrison Forces Travel Ban On South Korea To Stop Coronavirus, Confirms Second Death

News link: Scott Morrison Forces Travel Ban On South Korea To Stop Coronavirus, Confirms Second Death

Photograph from the original news
Photograph from the original news

As coronavirus gradually become more serious in the world wild scale, I chose the recent hot topic- travel ban for South Korea announced by Australian government- to analyze how to improve the news for better online delivery. I will discuss the suggestions on content and form, respectively.

In terms of the news content, the first to reconsider is the headline which should be clear and simple for easy online search. The key words should include “coronavirus”, “South Korea” and “travel ban”. In addition, some subtitles are necessary to be inserted for text separation, presenting audience a more logical story. I am also conscious of the divergent thinking on this issue as it would attract more readers if reporting about the global economic impacts (e.g. stocks plunged) and future influence in instead of limited data analysis at the end.

For the other aspect, there are three features of the news form- hypertextuality, multimediality and interactivity. It should provide more specific URLs related to recent coronavirus issues to meet public interests. Publishing a video of government announcement would impress audience and provide more details than the Morrison’s photograph. Finally, it is difficult to find the readers’ comments. It would be probably helpful to add a selective part, like people’s emotion on this decision, to improve interactivity between the author and the audiences.

About Bolun Zhang 4 Articles
Honor bachelor degree of Materials Science and Engineering in Monash University. Now studying master of media practice in the University of Sydney

1 Comment

  1. You identify effective keywords for the headline, though it could be shorter.
    Good use of relevant terms for the features and forms of online journalism, and good suggestions for improvement, particularly related to enhancing user engagement through emotion. Also agree with you that the economic analysis at the end of the story is somewhat off-topic, and may be more effective as a separate, more detailed story.
    Hyperlinks in the HuffPost story are used sparingly, and only at the start – you have identified the need for more that relate to related coverage.
    Your photo should be sized to fit your blog post (check on desktop/laptop and phone), and should identify who the copyright holder is (using a link to the original within the caption).
    You discuss interactivity between the story’s author and audience, but don’t mention whether or not it’s easy to find out more about them – e.g. via a linked profile or social media icons.
    Use keyword tags with your posts.

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