Do youth activists shout loud enough to spark action?

Students protesting at School Strike 4 Climate
Students protesting at School Strike 4 Climate. Source:

After thousands of students across Australia walked out of school to protest action from politicians to treat the climate crisis, it is obvious that young people today have a voice and want to use it.

School Strike 4 Climate is a youth led group that organises strikes to demand action from Australian politicians to treat climate change and move Australia towards a greener future. Their motivation is summed up perfectly by their mission statement “We are temporarily sacrificing our educations to save our futures from dangerous climate change.”

This feature story will look at what the group aims to do and how effective they are as youth activists. It will explore the rapid growth of the movement and the direction in which it is aiming to reach. A key face for the story will be Jean Hinchcliffe, one of the chief organisers of the movement. She recently spoke at TED X Youth Live about School Strike 4 Climate and youth activism.

School Strike 4 Climate highlights the current concern of the proposed Adani coal mine which has recently been approved. The group is organising a third strike on the 3rd of May. Will this movement be enough to cause politicians to consider the climate crisis and the repercussions of proceeding with the coal mines?


Publication and target group

The story will be written for a younger audience who would have interest in this subject matter. For this reason, it would be most effective on youth publisher site such as Junkee which target a younger audience.

The website states “Junkee goes beyond the headline to give young Australians a fresh take on what’s going in their world….Junkee covers a broad spectrum of topics from the things that really matter”

This would inform the readers about the movement, their aims and how they as young people can get involved as well.


Information sources

 A main source for information will be the School Strike 4 Climate website. This has the latest information and updates about the movement. It also has information about the upcoming strike on May 3.

Jean Hinchcliffe’s TED X Youth Talk has a lot more information about the movement and youth activism. I will also interview Jean to gain more current information about the future pursuits of the group and what they hope to achieve from the next strike.

In addition, I will interview a school principal that supports the strikes and gain a understanding on why they decided to send their students to join the movement.

Finally, general background research into the Adani coal mines will be necessary to gain a holistic understanding on the project and the possible effects it will have. This can be found on the Adani Australia website or the Stop Adani Website.


Multimedia, hypertext and interactivity

Throughout the story, there will be hyperlinks to further relevant sources so readers can gain more information. There will also be images and videos linked from the strike as well as Jean’s Ted X Youth Live Talk.

TEDxYouth@Sydney LIVE

About Ilana 2 Articles
Primary school teacher and post-graduate Media Practice student at The University of Sydney

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