Suitcase Rummage aims to support and engage with arts and cultural industries.

The poster of Suitcase Rummage. (Source: Suitcase Rummage, 2017)

Story topic

Suitcase Rummage is a community project which provide people a mini scaled market to treat various of goods, including vintage, artwork, clothing, books, jewellery, seconds, hand-made. This feature story aims to explore how Australian communities encourage sustainable cultural industries based on Suitcase Rummage.

News value

The news value of this story could be seen in terms of impact, proximity and human interest. According to Conley & Lamble (2006), for many journalists, impact is synonymous with news value. Although the impact of Suitcase Rummage is not as important as floods, it still affects a group of people in the community, especially those emerging entrepreneurs and crafts authors who lack of chance to enter bigger market. Suitcase Rummage is a good start point for them. Culture and creativity are also valued by the government.

Proximity is related to not only geographical distance, but also socially or psychologically.  In terms of socially distance, this story could make users and those emerging and talented creators or artists closer. Users could know more information about their products, their business platforms and business cooperation.

Although human interest is hard to be defined, it is undeniable that beautiful and exquisite handcrafted arts will attract the interest of related enthusiasts.

Narrative genre

This is a feature story about Suitcase Rummage will narratively report the creative experiences and inspiration of more local artists and craft creators, just like Jocelyn’s handmade accessories made from second hand books and Cheianna’s recycled denim label, Shy Denim.

It will also focus on the most important thing that how they feel, experience and think about Suitcase Rummage’s support about the sustainability of art and cultural industry.

Publication and target user group

Suitcase Rummage is held in various cities in Australia. It will target on all of the people who will attend the event (consider about the timeline, it means the people who might attend Suitcase Rummage event in the future in other communities), the people are interested in artworks and crafts and those artists and creators who lack of chance to show their works. For the reason that the event is organized on a community basis and some old people would also participate in the event, The Daily Telegraph could be a good publication choice. It provides users a service of setting their location which means news stories can be classified by community.

Ideas for multimedia, hypertext and interactivity

Due to the visual potential of this event, I plan to embed a slideshow in the story to show more pictures of the whole process of the event. The multimedia would also include an interview video of one of the artists. In addition, the artists’ business contact, Instagram and other social media would be embedded with hyperlink.

Interview preparation

I plan to attend the event to find target interviewees and ask their contact details. Then I will make appointment with them to do the interview, face-to-face or online. I hope to have an interview video in my story. Therefore, I need at least one face-to-face interview and the interviewees’ permission of shooting.

Question lists

  • Could you introduce yourself and your works?
  • What excites you?
  • What do you think about attending Suitcase Rummage?
  • Are there any changes after you attending Suitcase Rummage?
  • Where we can we find and follow you?

If it is possible, I will try to talk with the founders to know how the idea has changed and expanded since it proposed.




Bradshaw, P. (2018). Writing for the Web. The Online Journalism Handbook: Skills to survive and thrive in the digital age (pp. 72–98). Routledge. 2017.

Bradshaw, P. (2018). Finding Leads and sources online. The Online Journalism Handbook: Skills to survive and thrive in the digital age (pp. 51–71). Routledge. 2017.

Conley, D. & Lamble, S. (2006). An introduction to journalism. The Daily Miracle (pp. 42-55). Third edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2016.

About Chelly Wang 5 Articles
I major in Media practice in USYD. Twitter account: @chelly_chelly02. Email:

1 Comment

  1. Hi, Chelly. First of all, I think the theme of the art and culture industry is very novel, and there are many parts which could be analyzed. Second, you use Suitcase Rummage as a good entry point to narrow the discussion of the cultural industry, and as a community project which could make news more local. In terms of news angle, you choose to focus on the influence of society. I suggest to add some questions in the interview, such as why do you choose to participate in this activity, in an attempt to guide them to talk whether there are social driving forces. I appreciate your idea of multimedia. Embedding video is a very intuitive way to show your interviews. Also, hopefully in future news, hyperlinks will open in a new tab. Finally, hope to see your wonderful follow up news.

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