Improvement Suggestions of Newmatilda Story

The article I would like to analyze is Climate Change Is Sexist: Why I’m Striking Today To Support Girls Around The Globe , the news happened in these days, so it has the advantage of timeliness. And it is easy to cause the attention of various groups because the topic is students. However, I think there are three areas for improvement.


Article’s Format: 


Although the title of the article uses the form of a question to arouse readers’ interest when people click into it, the ratio of the low image has determined the story itself not enough attractive.

The whole article only has two images, and from the second picture to the end of the story, there are all texts which will make readers have a sense of tediousness.

My suggestion is that the author should add more relevant pictures about girls’ contributions to the school struck.




If we would like more attention in the digital journalism, we can’t allow our stories limit to one medium, but In this story, only text and very few images, so I feel like it should be more medium channels, like videos or pictures from the scene.




As the lifeblood of a page, journalists are able to show more values to their audiences. With the help of feminist perspective, the author wants to discuss equity issue from other parts, it should also be taken into consideration that some readers may lack a certain depth of knowledge about this serious problem.

So my advise is to have more links, like what people say gender equality on Twitter, Facebook or some other online information.


About Siyuan Chen 4 Articles
studying in Master of Digital Communication and Culture; the unprofessional feminist; love the world

1 Comment

  1. This is an opinion column Siyuan. You can tell because it is well over 500 words, so into feature length, and it is written from the first person voice, with a view to making an argument. News is always written in the third person, to signal balance and ‘objectivity’. What video or other multimedia would you add to this story? Give examples and reasons why they would be appropriate for the audience. Likewise what exactly would you link to – add examples.

    On your web writing: You need to set a feature image and give it a caption, copyright details and alt text. Don’t forget to:
    – Keep link phrases to 2-3 words, rather than a whole headline.
    – Make links open in new tabs
    – Use your precede (subheading field below post) to promote your post.
    Be careful to check your spelling, grammar and punctuation before you upload your next assignment. Also please upload an image of yourself to your blog bio to elicit trust from your readers.

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