Improvement suggestions of online delivery of emoji news

I analyzed a story about getting emojis on number plates published by VICE, while the news story has four parts need to be improved.

First of all, in this news, five kinds of emojis that can be used for number plates are mentioned, author should provide effective images to inform the audience which emoji expressions are specific and improve functionality.

Moreover, although the news provides the original link to the Brisbane Times, providing specific details of this decision, the author should place the link in the first paragraph of the article, which can improve the user readability and experience.

In addition, there are unsuitable underwear advertisements and fund advertisement in the middle of the article which are automatically played.

CK Underwear AD
AU Fund AD









There is no connection with this news, and user interaction cannot be improved. I suggested that advertisements should be replaced with advertisements about cars or emojis’ products.

Finally, multimedia content for audience is not rich enough, and related videos and screenshots of social platforms are not available, author should make news content as attractive as news title.

About Glynnis Wang 4 Articles
Glynnis is a USYD Postgraduate student majored in Digital Communication and Culture. Please contact her @GlynnisWang on Twitter.

1 Comment

  1. Good observations Glynnis. I agree with your comments about the link and the image. They could have used this numberplate image from the body issuing the plates. Yes, other ad content would have been more relevant, but perhaps they didn’t have ad inventory that matched those keywords, and were more trying to target the readership that would read this article (ie. young men and women).

    To improve your online delivery for Assignment 1, you need to set a feature image and give it a caption, copyright details and alt text. For this next assignment post don’t forget to:
    – Embed all links and don’t spell out the URLs.
    – Keep link phrases to 2-3 keywords
    – Make links open in new tabs
    – Use your precede (subheading field below post) to promote your post, rather than saying what is already in the category tag.
    Be careful to check your spelling, grammar and punctuation before you upload your next assignment. Also please make sure you fill in your blog profile biographical details and upload an image of yourself to elicit trust from your readers.

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